
Return Process

Request a return within 30 days of your purchase date


You will receive an authorization along with return instructions


Once the item is received and passes inspection, you will receive a full refund


Return Policy

All products purchased from The Rug Market can be returned for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Returned items must be shipped back in original or similar packaging that fully covers the item and prevents damages.

We cover cost of return shipping and offer scheduled pickups at your location for qualified locations.

You can drop off the package at the designated carrier ship center. We can also offer scheduled pickups at your location if the carrier provides service in your area.

Please reach out to us and we will happily provide you a prepaid shipping label.

The item must be shipped within 7 days of receiving the shipping label and return instructions.

To receive a full refund, the item must be in original condition and returned without:

  • Pet dander or fur
  • Signs of wear or heavy use
  • Damage, stains, burn marks

We will process your refund once the item is received and inspected.