Frequently asked questions

  • How will my order be processed?

    Once you place your order, we will process and create the shipment within 1 business day.

  • When will my order be shipped?

    We will ship your order within 2 business days.

  • When will I receive my order?

    Orders are delivered within 2-5 business days depending on your location.

  • Do you offer free shipping?

    Yes, we offer free shipping to most regions in Canada.

  • Do you charge restocking fees or any other fees for returns?

    No, we proudly offer free returns.

  • How can I contact customer service?

    Please use the contact form and send us your question and we will respond within 1 business day.

  • What is your return policy

    We offer free returns for all orders.

  • Is return shipping free?

    Yes, we proudly offer free return shipping.

  • What if there is an issue with my order?

    Simply reach out to us and we will address your concern to your satisfaction.

  • Is your website secure to provide credit card and other payment information

    Yes, we use secure payment options with the latest encryption technologies.